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Showing posts from October, 2014

Little Miss Dolly

Sweet, precious babies just make me smile!  This little family is simply beautiful and filled with love.  Just being in their house for only a couple of hours was enough to know that nothing else is as important as their family.  God bless them on this new chapter of their lives.   This is my first session with people I didn't know previous to the session!  Yay!  Thanks so much to the Irick's for opening up their home to me and for letting me snuggle their precious baby.   Here's Miss Dolly and her beautiful parentsā€¦ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .

Ashley & Jessie: 5 Years Later

Here's to five years!   When Ashley asked me to do this session, I accepted immediately, of course; however, I soon started having a small panic attack.  Her idea was to do the exact same poses that were captured at their wedding five years ago, wedding dress and all, with their little girl Lexie.  The problem was that Anglen Photography took those original wedding photos.  They aren't local anymore, but I used their services for my wedding as well, so I know just how amazing AP's work is and I would never consider myself anywhere near their talent or expertise.  Thus, the small panic attack.  I knew I couldn't replicate the exact images that Ashley loves so much, but once all the images were uploaded, I embraced this challenge as a way of finding my own style.  So, instead of having the exact same images, I hope that Ashley and Jessie see this collection as a sort of updated representation inspired by the originals.  I'm honored that Ash...

Brody at 9 Months

This little guy has been growing!  Our session was so much fun, and Brody was his typical, adorable self.  I noticed he is making many more noises now, and he especially likes to give love to his momma and daddy.  What a sweetie pie!  Now, we'll have to start planning for the -BIG- photo shoot to celebrate his first birthday.  My goodness, how time flies!  I've so enjoyed watching Brody grow.   We scheduled our photo session at a new place in town:  The Laurels Pumpkin Barn.  This place is truly magical, especially at night with twinkling lights glowing through small openings in the barn.  The family owned business is a labor of love as they have completely renovated their old barn into a family-friendly location where you can have a great afternoon of choosing just the right pumpkin.  They have plenty of pumpkins, too, by the way.  In fact, they have over 40 different varieties beautifully displayed to make choosing just one...


This quiet, mysterious young man doesn't have his photo taken that often.  In fact, I'm not sure he felt comfortable even smiling for me.  Luckily, smile or no smile, this guy's solemn face speaks volumes. Jacob was able to bring emotion to these photos without having to put much effort into the task.  That's a good model, folks!   Jacob is busy helping his football team stack up wins this season.  Beyond the field, he has the potential to go places I don't even think he has imagined just yet. Best of luck to this young man during his senior year! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .