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Daddy to the Rescue!

As the mother of a daddy's girl, I know the feeling--all too well--of not being the parent who can ALWAYS soothe my child.  I've learned, however, that this can be a blessing in disguise.  As a result of Lincoln's unhappy state, Mommy Amy comforted him as well as she could.  Then, Daddy Derek arrived, started signing, and Mr. Lincoln began to cooperate...mostly.  As the outside observer, I was able to see the pride in Amy's face while she watched her husband subdue their child.  I saw love, strength, happiness, and peace in her expressions.  And Derek most certainly has a special way with his son, not caring what he has to do in front of a stranger to make his child happy.  The blessing is seeing someone else care just as deeply for your child as you do.  The blessing is feeling that much love and security in that moment.  While I watched this little family, I was the one who was blessed.   

As for Lincoln's cooperation, we tried just about everything to get this child to smile, but we only caught a glimpse of a grin...twice.  :)  This is not a problem, though, given that Lincoln is so darn cute.  He has some super intense eyes and an observant nature.  Looking at him, you know he is trying to figure things out quickly.  I'm so excited to get to see this little guy grow!  Next step:  sitting up by himself!     

Thanks to Amy and Derek for trusting me with this precious milestone in Lincoln's life.  Happy 3 months, Lincoln!  Enjoy!   

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