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Showing posts from April, 2017

Happy Birthday, George!

This sweetie pie is turning one is just a few days, and I thought it would be great to sit him down on my pretty blanket and snap some cute photos of him sitting there, smashing his cake, pleasantly sitting still.  Ha!  Yeah, right!  This kid is on the move, people.  He didn't even want to sit still for a ride in his super awesome all-terrain wagon.  I'm glad mom and dad can keep up with him! George loved the camera, so much so that he came chasing after me several times to grab it.  Also, he liked cake, icing, pine cones, sticks, and anything else he could manage to pick up.  What a curious kid!  He laughed and talked away, smiled and fake laughed, and showed some pretty smooth dance moves when his dad turned on the Ellen theme song.  I love this kid.  He is so happy and easy going, as long as you don't have to hold him down to change his diaper or clothes.  He has places to go! I had so much fun running around chasing this little guy.  I hope he has the happiest of bi

Ice Cream & Sidewalk Chalk

Is there anything that screams "summer is almost here" more than eating ice cream and playing with sidewalk chalk? Today was such a beautiful day, hot even.  After a long week of testing at school, we needed to chill in the back yard.  We grilled out, talked about plants, discovered what a bud is since Izzy's class hasn't made it that far up the plant yet, learned how to drink out of a bottle without getting a bruise on our upper lip (you'll see I was a little late with this lesson!), sat in the grass, ate ice cream, watched the sunset, and drew lots of pictures with sidewalk chalk.  It was the best part of our day. Even though school isn't out for summer break just yet, we are close enough now that late nights, dirty feet, and messy hair are calling us.  For now, though, our fun evening will do. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attributi