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Miss Kaylyn is a super sweet, quiet girl.  Or at least I thought she was quiet!  During our session, we got to know each other a little better, and I found out that Kaylyn is expressive and strong-willed.  Instead of being what some might call shy, Kaylyn is observant - an excellent quality to have!  This is a perfect example of why I love to do these sessions.  I get a glimpse of a different side of these young ladies and gentlemen, and perhaps I learn more about them in a hour session than I learn about them in an entire semester.  Funny how that happens.  I'm sure they learn plenty about me, too!  

Kaylyn is co-editor of the yearbook this year and a member of my sponsored club, the National Honor Society.  As an English student, she is a terribly clever writer with a natural voice that is not always typical of a high school student.  Her maturity and intelligence make her stand out as an insightful, top-notch student.  For these reasons, this young lady's future will be bright!  There's no doubt about that! 

I've known Kaylyn's family, especially her grandmother Shirley, most of my life.  Many will probably recognize this young lady because of the famous Shirley's Restaurant.  If you've never had the pleasure of eating Shirley's family style, country cooking, make your way around Watauga Lake!  I'm pretty sure they are getting ready to close for the winter season soon.  Make sure you have some cornbread salad.  Even though Shirley doesn't care one bit to hand out the recipe, I have never known anyone who makes it the same way she does. Check out the restaurant on Facebook at Shirley's Home Cooking.

Now, here's Kaylynā€¦with some killer eyes!  :)  

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