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Britni & Justin's wedding day finally arrived!  

Britni & Justin's wedding was simply beautiful.  They chose Fern Valley Farm in Bristol, VA as their venue, and they kept the event simple and sweet, but elegant and romantic.  Walking into the gathering room, guests took a look into the happy couple's relationship.  They saw family photos, love notes, trinkets and small gifts, books aplenty.  Many people close to Britni and Justin made the day even more personal by adding in their own touches: the gorgeous floral arrangements and decorative pieces, the beautiful raspberry wedding cake, the truly unique origami cake topper made by the best man,  a handmade shawl crocheted by a bridesmaid.  The groom's tie was a Valentine's Day gift from a previous gift, which inspired the wedding colors,  and the ring box was a trinket of Britni's grandmother.  Each bouquet had a small crocheted heart attached.  Britni's brother was the officiant.  Each book on display had appropriate titles to match the event.  Every detail was so carefully and thoughtfully planned and personal, which of course, took a lot of time, but made the entire day that more meaningful.  To attend this wedding was to understand Britni and Justin.  I'm thankful I was there and that the couple trusted me enough to capture these everlasting, most important memories.   Mostly, I'm thankful that I was reminded of the small things that build the strongest of foundations for relationships.

***EDIT:  I have made a mistake!  The cake topper was not made by the best man, but a man with the same name.  I apologize to both men!  Nevertheless, Britni and Justin are surrounded by talented people who care enough about the couple to share and display their talents.***

Now, onto the preview!  I certainly hope these photos do justice to the occasion.  Everyone was gorgeous, especially the bride!  And join me in wishing the bride and groom a happy honeymoon, happy marriage, and the best life has to offer!

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."  -E. Bronte

Ok, so here is a moment of honesty:  I didn't trust myself so much since this is the first wedding I've shot.  The answer was easy:  I called in my reinforcement!  Ashley Bishop of ab photography (look her up on Instagram!) was kind enough to join me for the day.  I knew her images would capture those small moments and features that I overlooked or simply missed.  Plus, I absolutely love the way she plays with light!  Ashley manages to capture so much raw emotion in her's breathtaking!  She is the best, and I'm privilege to call her my friend.  Thanks, Ashley for saving me (once again) and for always being there for me no matter the request.  Here's a sneak peek of Ashley's images.  Again, look her up on Instagram @ab_photography___!

Creative Commons License


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